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LinearMapper v1.0.3

Version 1.0.3 of LinearMapper is a (mostly) stable Max for Live device that uses a linear regression algorithm to interpolate between up to ten different parameters in Ableton Live using an X-Y pad.

Currently LinearMapper works by assigning the track, device, and parameter number of the target parameter in order to control it. This means parameters in the track header, such as level, on/off, and pan cannot be directly addressed yet - although you could achieve control of the track level and pan using the 'utility' audio effect.

The device is based off the "controlling a synth with a neural network" tutorial device from the FluidCorpusManipulation Max package. I am working on better, more user-friendly updates to LinearMapper due to a few problems I am aware of and in the process of addressing.

LinearMapper is designed for live improvisation and performance, ideally with a MIDI controller. For use with MIDI control, I recommend using the companion device (included in the ZIP file) XYControl, which has 3 XY pads, with MIDI-mappable number boxes for the x and y coordinates for each pad.

LinearMapper can be set to be controlled by one of these pads by using the 'controller' drop down menu and selecting 1, 2, or 3 (a fourth controller exists in the device but is hidden from view by default - you may add it back in at your discretion).

Below is a video of the XYControl device working with the LinearMapper device.

Please reach out to me with any issues, ideas, or suggestions.

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LinearMapper User Manual

This post is for reference purposes. I will do my best to keep it up to date. See this post for an explanation on what LinearMapper does....


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